Wednesday, April 26

Self Brag

Because of Ben's pukes last night I didn't feel comfortable taking him to the gym daycare this morning. I was cranky because I really wanted to work out and do the circuit training today. So as I was feeling sorry for myself I realized that I could do it at home! I have the book and I have everything I needed to do it (a timer and myself), so why did I need Jill to be pushing me? I did it twice just like we would do at the gym. Yeah ME! Normally I would have just let it slip by with having intentions of working out, but today I actually put it into practice.

Ben loved exercising with me. He kept on telling me I'm just like "Sporticus" on Lazy Town. Becca liked standing up on my while I did 7 minutes of sit-ups. Ben marched with me while I did 5 minutes of walking lunges.

Why do I blog?

Heather has a good post about why do people blog. Here is a list of my reasons:

1. I blog to put my thoughts down and to hopefully remember them.
2. I blog about my kids so hopefully I remember little things in their life.
3. I blog to keep family updated on what is going on.
4. I blog so that maybe, just maybe, someone would be interested in what I have to say.

So what about you? Why do you blog?

Tuesday, April 25


It seems like every few weeks we have this stomache bug that goes through our house. Tonight Ben was going with Walter to the gym and as he gets him out of the car Ben says he has to puke. Yep, sure enough he did. He was fine for about 3 hours or so and then threw up the bananna's that he ate. It seems like if one kid is happy and healthy the other kid comes down with something and then the cycle just keeps going. I'm so praying that Becca doesn't get the pukes. Ben handles it so well and usually makes it to the bathroom, but my poor little girl just can't do that and she just doesn't understand why she can't eat as much as she wants.

So tomorrow I'll be home, stuck inside on a beautiful day! Hopefully I'll be able to get things done, but I'm really sad that I won't get to go to the gym in the morning. I NEED to work out, I feel so much better when I do.

Friday, April 21

9 Month Update - Becca

To think that in 3 months we are going to celebrate Becca's 1st year of life - it goes by so fast.

This month has been one of great developmental growth. Two weeks ago Rebecca started full-on crawling. Gone are the days where she stays within a 3 foot radius of her toys. She now can climb the stairs into the dining room and the rest of the house is her domain. She loves the bathroom, especially the toilet - much to my dismay - especially since Ben pees standing up and always isn't the best aim :)

We took Becca to her first dentist appointment last week. She got her two pearly white bottom teeth cleaned and then we realized her top one was coming in too. This week while that top tooth was coming in we had fever, snotty nose, diaper rash and general 'pissy-ness'. She didn't sleep well this last week and just whined most days. Thankfully today it seemed like she was back to her normal self.

Becca has started eating finger food. She loves bananas, cherios, and teething biscuits. Since it seems like she has more of a sensitive stomach than Ben, I haven't given her many table foods yet. I guess I just need to do it and see how she does.

Her personality is still developing. She's very demanding and lets us know exactly what she wants. She does well being left as long as her brother is close by.

Grandma and Cousin Cole spent a few days this week with her. She took to Grandma quickly and even looked her way when asked "Where's Grandma?". She would be fine with Grandma as long as I wasn't able to be seen, if she saw me then she would want me to hold her. While Grandma was here we also cut Becca's hair for the first time. Just a little trim to get that comb-over out of her eyes when the wind blows.

She loves her bath and is fearless about crawling around and getting her toys. She loves getting naked but doesn't like getting dressed or being rubbed down with lotion after her bath. I think it has something to do with being still.

Mommy has sure enjoyed you this month. When you are sitting on my lap and we are singing together it makes me so happy that I get to spend this time with you each day. You are a very easy baby most of the time. You love to go shopping and be around people, but like your momma you need your down time and time just to be at home with your own things. You said "momma" tonight as I was getting you dressed and it made my heart sing. Of course it was more whining and complaining that I was getting you dressed, but still - I heard "momma". You are such a good cuddler and I love the time that I can spend looking at you after you have fallen asleep in my arms. I love kissing your cheek and telling you how much I love you. You are very curious and a little fearless. This is how your brother was at this age. I'm so glad that you are secure and are excited to discover the world around you, but I'm also a little sad to see you grow and realize that you are a person apart from your dad and I. It will be fun to see what you learn this next month. Daddy thinks that you might be walking before long, afterall you have a big brother to keep up with. I prefer that you wait a few more months before you start tackling walking upright - I'm just not ready to have you gain that independence. My prayer for you is that you always know how much I love you and how I think you are wonderful. I'm always amazed at how much my heart fills with love each time I look with you. Just when I think my heart is so full with love and that it couldn't possibly hold anymore, I look at you and feel my heart stretch and fill with more love for you and for Ben. Thank you Jesus, for sending me Becca!

Friday, April 14

Who are the best parents you know?

This question was posed to a bunch of moms. People said their parents, grandparents, etc., but one mom had the courage to say said that she and her husband were the best parents she knew. That has always stuck with me. She was confident in her parenting style to know that she was doing a good job. I didn't take it as a prideful thing, just the truth. If that question was now posed to me I would say that Walter and I are the best parents that I know. Do we do everything perfect, heck no! We make all kinds of mistakes, but we are confident in what we are doing because we know that we are doing the best with the knowledge and the tools that God has given us.

I got to thinking about this today because I really have two pretty confident kids. I took them to the dentist and Ben marches back with the hygenist like he knows exactly what is going on and what he is doing. Becca lets people hold her and never really gets super upset if someone new is around. She looks for Walter and I (or her brother) and as long as she knows we are close she's just fine.

I'm proud to say that I'm one of the best parents that I know. My kids are happy, healthy and fun to be around.

Monday, April 10

Today was a pretty good day. I got a lot accomplished. I worked out for an hour with Jill & Jen. Came home and watched Abby and Steven for Jill. Had lunch with Jill. Ben took a good nap and Becca took an ok nap and I was able to do the dishes, fold clothes, do some laundry and finish Becca's Easter blanket. Walter got home we relaxed a bit and got so excited when the next LOST DVD arrived. We just watched two episodes tonight. We went back to the gym around 5:00 and I took Jill's aerobics class. So my body is sore, but I realize it is getting healthy. I told Walter that my life basically consist of church, the gym and home. I guess it could be full of worse stuff.

Tomorrow I really need to start working on the filing for my client. It's going to be a big project and with the sick kids last week I really didn't get on it. Hopefully Becca will cooperate and take a good long 3 hour nap tomorrow afternoon and I can get a good deal done. I'm thinking it's going to be between 10 and 15 hours of billable time when it's all said and done. Yippy!

Hopefully I'll also be able to figure out how to add pictures to my blog. I have some cute ones of the girly taken today. I can't believe how big she's getting. This weekend has been one of discovery for her. She's figured out how to open drawers in the bathroom and kitchen, she realizes she can crawl anywhere she wants. She has figured out how to climb the stairs to the dining room and kitchen. She also is finally eating finger type foods. It's taken forever to get her to eat anything that has texture in it. Oh the joys of the next few months of her learning her limits and us saying "no" quite a bit.

Friday, April 7

I think Spring is finally here! Yesterday was in the mid 50's and today is supposed to reach 60 degrees.

This week has been kind of weird. The kids getting sick on Tuesday. Walter came home for part of Wednesday and then yesterday he had jury duty. He was the first one to be excused. Oh well, it had to do with an inmate throwing liquid at a guard. Since it was an assault case the liquid was most likely a bodily fluid. Dang nasty inmates!

Today is off to the gym and then to pay bills. I don't really know what we have going on this weekend. Hopefully the weather is nice and we can do some things outside.

Wednesday, April 5

I hate puke, hate it, hate it, hate it.

Last night we were going to Gracie's birthday. Becca throws up on the way out there, thinking it was just like last Sunday when she threw up, Walter took her home and changed her and they came back out to the party. Ben and I stayed and Ben was having fun with the kids. All of a sudden Bill says that a kid got sick in the bathroom. I ask Ben if it was him and he told me "I have the pukies". He went in, threw up in the toilet and then went back to playing all without saying a word. So we leave, apologizing on the way out the door.

My poor boy was sick all night. Right now he has the dry heaves. He's been drinking water and even that makes him sick.

This has also shown me some of the things he's picked up from me. As he was walking to the bathroom he turns around and says "Come on, mom" I go in there and sit on the side of the tub, he then tells me to rub his back. These are the exact things that I made Walter do when I had morning sickness with Ben. Sometimes I just have to laugh at how much he sounds (and acts) like me.

Monday, April 3

Praise the Loooorrrrrddddd

Ben and I just got back from a trip to Wal-mart. As we get in the car KLOVE is playing "Blessed Be Your Name". This is one of my favorite praise songs. Ben starts singing at the top of his lungs and starts air drumming. When I ask him what he is doing he says "Praising the LOOOOOORRRRDDDD, mom" Can't ask for more than that.

Saturday, April 1

The morning after

I expected to be a lot more sore than I am today. I knew it would hurt after my first workout. I knew I was using muscles I didn't know I had - There is pain EVERYWHERE! But I'm very proud of myself and actually feel good. Good enough to decide to go shopping today at Costco and to check out the new mall.

I'm really surprised how good I feel about myself and I hope I can continue to keep this feeling going.