9 Month Update - Becca

To think that in 3 months we are going to celebrate Becca's 1st year of life - it goes by so fast.
This month has been one of great developmental growth. Two weeks ago Rebecca started full-on crawling. Gone are the days where she stays within a 3 foot radius of her toys. She now can climb the stairs into the dining room and the rest of the house is her domain. She loves the bathroom, especially the toilet - much to my dismay - especially since Ben pees standing up and always isn't the best aim :)
We took Becca to her first dentist appointment last week. She got her two pearly white bottom teeth cleaned and then we realized her top one was coming in too. This week while that top tooth was coming in we had fever, snotty nose, diaper rash and general 'pissy-ness'. She didn't sleep well this last week and just whined most days. Thankfully today it seemed like she was back to her normal self.
Becca has started eating finger food. She loves bananas, cherios, and teething biscuits. Since it seems like she has more of a sensitive stomach than Ben, I haven't given her many table foods yet. I guess I just need to do it and see how she does.
Her personality is still developing. She's very demanding and lets us know exactly what she wants. She does well being left as long as her brother is close by.
Grandma and Cousin Cole spent a few days this week with her. She took to Grandma quickly and even looked her way when asked "Where's Grandma?". She would be fine with Grandma as long as I wasn't able to be seen, if she saw me then she would want me to hold her. While Grandma was here we also cut Becca's hair for the first time. Just a little trim to get that comb-over out of her eyes when the wind blows.
She loves her bath and is fearless about crawling around and getting her toys. She loves getting naked but doesn't like getting dressed or being rubbed down with lotion after her bath. I think it has something to do with being still.
Mommy has sure enjoyed you this month. When you are sitting on my lap and we are singing together it makes me so happy that I get to spend this time with you each day. You are a very easy baby most of the time. You love to go shopping and be around people, but like your momma you need your down time and time just to be at home with your own things. You said "momma" tonight as I was getting you dressed and it made my heart sing. Of course it was more whining and complaining that I was getting you dressed, but still - I heard "momma". You are such a good cuddler and I love the time that I can spend looking at you after you have fallen asleep in my arms. I love kissing your cheek and telling you how much I love you. You are very curious and a little fearless. This is how your brother was at this age. I'm so glad that you are secure and are excited to discover the world around you, but I'm also a little sad to see you grow and realize that you are a person apart from your dad and I. It will be fun to see what you learn this next month. Daddy thinks that you might be walking before long, afterall you have a big brother to keep up with. I prefer that you wait a few more months before you start tackling walking upright - I'm just not ready to have you gain that independence. My prayer for you is that you always know how much I love you and how I think you are wonderful. I'm always amazed at how much my heart fills with love each time I look with you. Just when I think my heart is so full with love and that it couldn't possibly hold anymore, I look at you and feel my heart stretch and fill with more love for you and for Ben. Thank you Jesus, for sending me Becca!
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