Friday, May 26


Ben's been calling me Momma lately. I can't tell you how much I love that name. For a long time it was Mom or Mommy...but now it's wonderful name Momma.

"Momma, can I have more watermelon"

"Momma, can I go outside to play"

"Cuddle me, Momma"

I don't really know why I love this so much, maybe it's because what I call my mom sometimes. But whatever the reason it is melting my heart hearing Ben say it.

What a blessing my little guy is!

Monday, May 22

10 Month Update - Becca

Has it been a month already? This month has gone by really fast. Becca's still crawling everywhere, but she's taken to standing and last night even stood without holding on to anything. I think her first steps are just around the corner.

Becca had a Dr's visit this month. She's doing well but is slowing down on growing. Since her 6 month check up she's only grown 1/4 of an inch and is now weighing 18 lbs. She's on the petite end of the scale.

I think Becca has decided she's not a baby anymore. She wants to eat what we eat, follows Ben wherever he goes and basically lets her opinion on things be known! The last few days have been hard since the things she sees Ben eating are things that she really can't have. She knows the difference between a cracker and a piece of cheese - and lets us know she knows :)

Girly -
This first year is flying by. Your laugh is so wonderful and we enjoy the squeals and shrieks that we hear when you see your brother or dad. You are very strong willed and I hope that serves you well in life. My prayer is that I can help mold that into being strong willed for the right things. We are finally having to tell you "no". It seems like every time we turn around you are getting something that you shouldn't. You are so cute when you make the little "o" face and shake your head. I can't wait to see what this month has in store for us and all the new things you will do.

Wednesday, May 17

What a morning!

This morning we've found out our cars were broken into during the night and that Walter's wallet and the church's digital camera was stolen, we've talked to the police, credit card companies and got a call saying that his wallet had been found. All before 8:30 this morning!!

Hopefully this will teach my husband that he needs to lock the cars even though we live in a small town.

Tuesday, May 16

Buzz cut

So last night I decided that we were going to save 10.00 and give Ben a haircut at home. So we all went outside, set him on the patio table and started the buzz cut. Here he is with all that beautiful blonde hair.
Here is the picture of the first swipe with the clippers.

And here he is when the clippers broke and I had to stop and run to Walmart and get another one. Can you believe he wanted to go with me? He stayed home - nice and safe, away from the view of neighbors.

And here is the finished product. He's so excited because he says "I look just like daddy". Walter wants to know where he got that freakishly long tongue.

Friday, May 5

"Cuddle Me Mommy"

Ben asked this several times this morning. I was kind of crabby and had a killer sinus headache and just really wanted to get things done and not take the time to do it. So finally after a little breakdown I sat down and cuddled Ben. That's all we both really needed. We sat there and just enjoyed hugging. After this we both had a much better morning and got out the door in a timely fashion.

Is there anything better than cuddling with your kids? Not in my mind.