Monday, April 10

Today was a pretty good day. I got a lot accomplished. I worked out for an hour with Jill & Jen. Came home and watched Abby and Steven for Jill. Had lunch with Jill. Ben took a good nap and Becca took an ok nap and I was able to do the dishes, fold clothes, do some laundry and finish Becca's Easter blanket. Walter got home we relaxed a bit and got so excited when the next LOST DVD arrived. We just watched two episodes tonight. We went back to the gym around 5:00 and I took Jill's aerobics class. So my body is sore, but I realize it is getting healthy. I told Walter that my life basically consist of church, the gym and home. I guess it could be full of worse stuff.

Tomorrow I really need to start working on the filing for my client. It's going to be a big project and with the sick kids last week I really didn't get on it. Hopefully Becca will cooperate and take a good long 3 hour nap tomorrow afternoon and I can get a good deal done. I'm thinking it's going to be between 10 and 15 hours of billable time when it's all said and done. Yippy!

Hopefully I'll also be able to figure out how to add pictures to my blog. I have some cute ones of the girly taken today. I can't believe how big she's getting. This weekend has been one of discovery for her. She's figured out how to open drawers in the bathroom and kitchen, she realizes she can crawl anywhere she wants. She has figured out how to climb the stairs to the dining room and kitchen. She also is finally eating finger type foods. It's taken forever to get her to eat anything that has texture in it. Oh the joys of the next few months of her learning her limits and us saying "no" quite a bit.


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