Happy 1st Birthday, Rebecca

And here she was on her birthday.
This year just went by so fast, there have been a few times that I just wanted to yell "STOP" so that time would freeze so I could savor and remember each and every hour of the day. I couldn't and her birthday was here before I knew it.
Rebecca started walking a few days before her birthday. Now she tries to walk first and if that doesn't work then she will crawl. We also realized that she understands more than we thought she did.
We went to the Fair Parade in the morning. She enjoyed watching all the people and animals. It was during nap time and she wouldn't sleep during the parade, but as we packed up to head for the car she crashed in Grandma's arms. We relaxed at home in the afternoon and then had Grandma and Papa (who came from central California) and Grandma Barb and Papa Al over for dinner. Walter BBQ'd and we enjoyed and nice meal. Becca enjoyed having all the attention focused on her. Benjamin helped her open her presents. She got her own pink princess "thinking chair" and a baby. She loved her baby and hugged it as soon as she opened it. She also started burping it. She was so cute sitting in her chair with her baby. If Ben got close to either she let him know that he needed to get away by yelling at him and swatting at him.
She doesn't say very many words. But like I said earlier she knows more than we think. We can ask her to get her baby and she will look for it and go get it. She is using a few signs, although what I thought was her sign for "milk" is really her sign for anything that she wants to eat or drink.
She is eating everything now and after this last can of formula will be totally on people food. She only has about 3 bottles a day, first thing in the morning, after nap and before bed. We will start weaning her off those when we are done with formula.
At her 1 year check up she weighed 20 lbs exactly and is 27 1/2 inches tall. She is on the short side and is in the 30th percentile for both weight and height. She's just perfect!
Becca - What a year we have had. Daddy, Ben and I are so blessed that you are in our family. You brighten up all of our lives. My favorite sound is you and Ben laughing. He makes you laugh like no other can. Even though you fight over the chairs or because you think you need what Ben has, you are really good friends with each other. Ben is the first person you look for when you get up in the morning. I can't wait to see what this second year of your life has in store for us, but with your beautiful smile and joyous laughter I'm sure we will all have fun in the process. You are my joy and I love you more than I can say! Love, Momma