11 Month Update - Becca

She is more determined and strong willed as ever. If she wants something she goes and gets it, if she wants something and she can't get it she whines and whines about it. She will cry at the drop of a hat if she feels tears are warranted in any given situation. It's great but also very trying at times. Luckily for her she has a brother and two parents that are as strong willed if not more to help mold her into shape!
Ben and Becca have started fighting this month. Ben gets upset because she's playing with something of his (even though he hasn't played with it in forever) and will try to get it away from her. She will hold on and whine (or scream) about it, causing him to whine (or scream) until I have to take it away from both of them. Just think - another 20 years or so of this.
Becca - I keep thinking that last year at this time we were getting ready for you to be born. I was wondering how you were going to fit into our family. God knew what He was doing because you fit in perfectly! It's almost like you've always been here. You love all of us and get so excited when we walk into the room. You flap your arms like a bird getting ready to take off. You have started entertaining yourself, which is so nice. I don't have to be right there quite so often. You do pretty well being left in the nursery at church, although I was a little afraid with Ben moving up into a new Sunday School class you would not like being left alone. You did just fine. You are so independent and want to do so many things on your own, but I love that you still want to cuddle when you get tired or you just need to rest for a few minutes before you go onto your next activity. All my love, child of my heart! Momma.
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